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Cysts that occur in the body have multiple locations. And many types เล่นสล็อต Common in women Especially women who have never had children May be at risk of disease Or various conditions That happened to the uterus And ovaries than people who have had children before And cysts are one of the most common diseases in Thai women. If found first and treated first, it will not be a very troubling problem. But if left until the cyst is inflamed, swollen And ruptured in the abdomen May be much more dangerous

>> "Dent" was carried to the hospital suddenly Ruptured cyst, abdominal bleeding
>> Danger "Chocolate Cyst" risk women of all ages

How dangerous can a cyst with a "water bag" be?
Most of the time, cysts found in the uterus, uterus, or ovaries are dermoid cysts, which form a cyst formed by cells capable of developing into different types of cells. To stay at the ovary from birth Then develop or be stimulated by certain factors to grow into fat cells, hair, cartilage or teeth to form a cyst.

If a cyst occurs Will be able to experience many side effects Since the most common is

Twisted cyst The patient will have pain in the lower abdomen on the left or right. Pain in the lower abdomen, nausea, vomiting, or low fever may occur if emergency surgery is not treated to cause the ovaries to Lack of blood to feed for a long time Resulting in ovarian rot Causing it to finally be cut off that side of the ovary

Broken or leaking cyst It is a complication that can be found with all types of ovarian cyst disease. Including dermoid cyst disease The patient will have sudden abdominal pain. And pain all the time Which if there is a lot of bleeding in the abdomen Will cause a state of shock
Symptoms of infection from the cyst It is a rare complication. But can also cause severe symptoms The patient will have a high fever. With severe abdominal pain

Cancer, although most dermoid cysts are not cancer. But it is about 1% chance of getting cancer and not necessarily only in older people. It is a cancer that can be found in young people. In which the method of testing to be known is Is surgery only Ultrasound can only tell if there is a cyst on the ovary. But I can't tell if there are cancer cells or not.

Treatment when a cyst dermoid is found

Usually, treatment when a patient with cysts is found. Will have since the very beginning One to two small cysts that your doctor may still ask for to check for symptoms. If it is another type of cyst, such as a chocolate cyst. There may be injections that cause the cyst to become smaller. But for the dermoid cyst Only surgery is needed

Surgery to remove only the cyst Can only be done in the ovaries that have not yet signs of rot from the cyst twist And the cyst is not very large It is a way that less ovarian meat loss. It is beneficial for young patients. For having more children in the future Therefore, the cyst is detected at an early stage. Therefore it is better

Surgery that side of the ovary This is done when the cyst is large. Or the occurrence of ovarian rot from the vesicles that twist the pole The ovaries do not have blood to nourish until the ovaries rot. But can be operated on one side of the ovary There is another side that can still make the patient menstrual. And having children normally
By dermoid cyst surgery, it can be done both with an open abdomen. And a small incision laparoscopic surgery The surgical result is as small as 5 - 10 mm, less pain, faster recovery. Reduce the occurrence of abdominal fibrosis. Low complications Can reduce the inflammation and infection of the wound

How dangerous are the cysts in the abdomen?
If the patient is unaware that he has a cyst in the ovary. Until the inflamed cyst is swollen, causing a leak or crack In which case the ovarian cyst ruptures And a torn vein May cause abdominal bleeding And there is a chance of death Therefore need to undergo emergency surgery

But the degree of danger depends on the amount of leakage or rupture of the cyst. If only a small amount leak The doctor may observe symptoms by giving a hospital stay. If symptoms improve, surgery is not necessary.